Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Bridge Across Forever...

My fav book.. and a book I share with one of my favourite people in the world... someone who is so much Richard.. that it simply amazes me.. As I met him my eyes were wonderstruck in awe and amazement.. broad shoulders.. light brown eyes and a carefree style I had always imagined adorned this school-lost-orkut-found buddy...I dont think he is Richard.. because i associate myself with Leslie.. well I do think.. am a lot like her.. sans the stunning looks..but his brilliance is what strikes the greatest similarity..

The Bridge Across.. is perhaps a thread that ties us together.. and ofcourse our deja vu moments.. This was my guardian Angel when I was lost (and am sure am still the Demon!!!) showed me the light.. and hand held me out of it.. someone who has been my pillar.. for close to one and a half years.. our endless banter... each others advice.. never unsolicited.. stupid wisecracks..and doses in moments of fury..

I must have done something right to have you by my side... And if i had to start a file named after you.. it would surely read:

Dawn's peaceful, luminous blue
Intensified with the day
As did Happiness
Blue.. Bluer.. Bluest,
White puffs of Delight,
Joy Overflowing,

Until sunset,
Wrapped us in tender pink
And we fused in a
Passionate magenta goodbye
Earth-soul and Cosmic-soul
Bursting with beauty.

When night came,
A baby moon
Laughed sideways in the dark.
I laughed back
And thought:

Partway across the world
Your sky
Is filled with this same
Golden Laughter,
And hoped that you,
Twinkling Blue Eyes,
Saw and heard,

So that somehow we three,
Were joined in our gladness,
Each in our own space,
Together Apart,
Distance meaningless.

And I slept
in a world
Full of Smiles.

Wish you the most wonderful life ahead sweetheart...