Sunday, March 29, 2009

Movies and ME...

Until recently.. I was not such a movie go-er or movie watcher.. In my life.. never have I felt the urge to watch movies or the inclination to go out I do these days... people tell me am still moderated.. perhaps a movie a month.. and many a times in the company of MYSELF...

I saw Rock ON, Luck by Chance and Straight all alone.. Rock On again, the second time with a friend... and guess what ends up catching my attention in the end.. the anti piracy message.. Ghajini, Dostana and Rab Ne bana Di Jodi.. were with family and friends.. but honest.. I seem to quite enjoy watching movies alone as well... Reason.. one oppurtunity where I can be something am not so often.. quiet and lost in my own thoughts..

Last week I saw Straight.. and Loved Pinu Patel.. very well crafted charecter.. until someone told me to check out Dasvidaniyan.. another Vinay Pathak flick.. remeber from my School-Channel V addicted days!!! and Boy what a movie it is..(thanks Neha for the DVD..)Ive promised to treat mum to the movie post lunch.. and I think anyone who has not seen it must watch.. I havent caught Dev D yet.. thats next on my list too..

Well.. for all of you who know me.. realise that i am more of the cross-over movies (read arty???) type.. Saw this fun movie called Outsourced last weekend when i was home alone... followed by Across the Universe on HBO which so ecstatically uses perhaps all of Beatles' Chart toppers.. I cant wait to watch Mama Mia.. for the ABBA fan that moi is!!!!

Phew.. that was quite a list ah??? Neway.. I know I have miles to go to get to what my folks were in their times.. as for now cricket makes Dad most happy!!!


kamakhya said...

Hey movie buff,

what's so great about Vinay Pathak in Dasvedaniya??? I think the russian lady who recues him and keeps him in her house deserves something for her brilliant act...what do you think????

Divs said...

yeh.. i agree... but i love the spirit of the movie boss...

Vi.K.I. said...

wud like to watch the movie..