Sunday, March 29, 2009

Movies and ME...

Until recently.. I was not such a movie go-er or movie watcher.. In my life.. never have I felt the urge to watch movies or the inclination to go out I do these days... people tell me am still moderated.. perhaps a movie a month.. and many a times in the company of MYSELF...

I saw Rock ON, Luck by Chance and Straight all alone.. Rock On again, the second time with a friend... and guess what ends up catching my attention in the end.. the anti piracy message.. Ghajini, Dostana and Rab Ne bana Di Jodi.. were with family and friends.. but honest.. I seem to quite enjoy watching movies alone as well... Reason.. one oppurtunity where I can be something am not so often.. quiet and lost in my own thoughts..

Last week I saw Straight.. and Loved Pinu Patel.. very well crafted charecter.. until someone told me to check out Dasvidaniyan.. another Vinay Pathak flick.. remeber from my School-Channel V addicted days!!! and Boy what a movie it is..(thanks Neha for the DVD..)Ive promised to treat mum to the movie post lunch.. and I think anyone who has not seen it must watch.. I havent caught Dev D yet.. thats next on my list too..

Well.. for all of you who know me.. realise that i am more of the cross-over movies (read arty???) type.. Saw this fun movie called Outsourced last weekend when i was home alone... followed by Across the Universe on HBO which so ecstatically uses perhaps all of Beatles' Chart toppers.. I cant wait to watch Mama Mia.. for the ABBA fan that moi is!!!!

Phew.. that was quite a list ah??? Neway.. I know I have miles to go to get to what my folks were in their times.. as for now cricket makes Dad most happy!!!